
- I like fighting game 'Blazblue', and I like to think about various theories about it or make some creations like drawings.
- I am attending a university, and I am also a researcher, so I will mostly just chat about BlazBlue during the semester.
- In my twitter circle, I'm talking about more miscellaneous everyday life in English. I appreciate someone's interest in my story, so if you want to join the circle, feel free to leave a heart on my pinned tweet.
- Since I am Korean, I usually use Korean in the main tweet, but you can always leave me an answer in a foreign language. I will also answer using English.
- In my circle, I only use English. I'm practicing talking about my daily life in English. I am preparing for graduate school in the U.S. and I will leave for the U.S. next year.
- I don't know a few abbreviations or slangs of English yet, but even if there are some things I don't know, I search and learn them. But sometimes I can ask you the meaning of them.
If you have any questions for me, please ask me in 'ask me anything' link.